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Window Cleaning Hard Water Tutorial

Stage 1 Glass Corrosion or Hard Water Deposits
Below are some before and after pictures of hard water damage on glass.
About 95% of the corrosion on glass is currently in the Stage 1 condition and can be easily removed and treated leaving a smooth crystal clear window. Our technicians can restore virtually all glass that is not physically damaged or in Stage 2 corrosion where the glass is pitted or the molecular structure has been broken down. It has taken us years, but now Custom Home Detailing is proud to say we have tested and tested to finally find a biodegradable professional strength USDA approved cleaner made especially for repairing damaged glass with stage 1 corrosion or hard water deposits. This cleaner is also approved for hospitals, nursing homes, manufacturing plants, hotels, supermarkets, homes and other public facilities with difficult to clean surfaces.
One of the reasons Custom Home Detailing is ahead of the learning curve is that we use only state of the art equipment. Scrapers are one the most important tools window cleaners have today. Windows regularly need heavier cleaning than just soap, water and washer sleeves can provide. To remove paint, tape, stickers and construction debris like stucco or caulk, a razor-sharp scraper is a must.
Squeegees, handles, Channels Replacement rubber, washers and T-bars are some of the every day tools we use. Using many products including SORBO and PULEX we know how to bring you windows back to life. We find more and more  Home and business owners wait till the last minute to get their windows cleaned. That’s ok but sometimes this means more work and more cost to get the windows back to their normal condition. If you have a commercial property and it has not been properly maintained we  need to do a first time cleaning to bring the windows back to their normal condition. This could mean we would have to do hard water removal and conditioning. After the windows have been cleaned, a DI system can be used to maintain. This will help lower the cost in the long run. It really makes sense not to let the windows get out of hand. Just do math. If the windows get damaged from not being properly maintained, it could cost up to four times  the cost of a regular cleaning. Think about it. If we clean our cars on a regular basis, why not our buildings and houses.

Window Cleaning Tutorial ToolsHard Water Tutorial 1 Hard Water Tutorial 2

Hard Water Stain Removal Before & After

Hard Water Tutorial 2 Hard Water Tutorial 3

Hard Water Removal Stain Before & After

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Hard Water Stain Removal Before & After

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